Thursday, October 20, 2011


In the days of the Buddha padumuttara, Sivali was born as an ordinary man. One day when he was listening to the Dhamma he saw the Buddha appointing a monk as foremost among those who had gained requisites.

Having seen this occurrence, Sivali made up his mind and wanted to achieve the same post. In view of this he started to offer Dana to the Buddha and his disciples and vowed for the achievement of the same merit.

The Buddha having seen his success for the fulfilment, declared that in the distant future, during the time of Buddha Gotama, he would become a chief among those Bhikkhus who gained the requisites. He performed many meritorious deeds during his life time and was born in the Devã world.

After some time he was reborn in the days of Buddha Vipassi as a layman in the city of Bandhumati. At that time all the citizens of the country used to offer Maha Dana to the Buddha and his disciples. Once as they were preparing the Dana, they found out, that they were short of curd and honey, so a man was sent to get the same.


Meanwhile this particular person was going around the same city to sell curd and honey, and came across the one who was searching for the curd and honey. The searcher offered the vendor from $1.00 to $1,000.00 gradually in a bargain for the curd and honey. But the vendor asked why the searcher wanted to say so much money. The searcher replied that it was the only missing item in the preparation for the Maha Dana, to the Buddha.

The vendor then asked whether he could share in the merits and was told he could also partake. Having heard the reply the vendor refused to recieve money and went straight away to offer the curd and honey himself. He wished to renew his vow to become a chief among those who would recieve requisites. The Buddha having seen his future blessed him saying "May your desire be fulfilled."

He was born during the time of the Buddha Gotama in the Koliya Dynasty. After the conception in the womb of Queen Suppavasa, she became very happy and fortunate to recieve many from many relatives and friends. Besides this, the whole Kingdom became prosperous with fine and heavy crops. Though the natural time of her delivery had arrived, yet she did not deliver the baby, but it prolonged for an unusual time. The Queen, feeling very uneasy called upon the King to invite the Buddha and give alms in the palace for seven days. The King immediately ordered his ministers to carry out the Queen's request. After the Dana ceremony the Buddha blessed her for healthy and speedy delivery pronouncing the following words: "SUKHINI HOTU SUPPAVASA KOLIYA DHITA SUKHINI AROGAM PUTTAM VIJAYATU" which means:- "May suppavasa daughter of Koliya clan be happy and healthy and give birth to a healthy son.


After the departure of the Buddha the Queen gave birth to a handsome baby prince because of the blessing of the Buddha. The Queen became very happy in the safe and sound delivery of the baby prince. As a mark of great respect and gratitude, the Buddha was invited to the palace along with his disciples. A great alms ceremony was held extinguished the fire of sorrow of the people due to his unusual birth.

During the early age of Prince Sivali, one day the Venerable Sariputta, the chief disciple of the Buddha, visited him. The Venerable explained how the Prince had suffered in the womb of his mother Queen Suppavasa for a long period. After which he asked the Prince if he liked to join the 'Holy Order' to end suffering. To this the Prince replied "Venerable Sir, if I am allowed to join, I will be happy."

The Queen mother Suppavasa who had seen her son talking to the Venerable, inquired what was the conversation between the Prince and the Venerable. The Venerable replied that her son had realised how he had suffered when he was in her womb for a long period and expressed his willingness to become a monk if he is permitted by the Queen's Mother.

The Queen having heard this, became very happy and at once granted permission for the ordination. The Prince was then taken away by Venerable Sariputta to the monastery to ordain him.

On the day of the ordination in which the first crop of hair was being cut off, the Venerable Sariputta advised him to adopt the meditation on the impurities of ve body vigilantly. Before the completion of shaving off his hair growth, and having realised the nature of worldly life he attained sainthood.

Since Sivali became a monk, the others monks also received plenty of the four requistites, such as robes, food, shelter and medicine. The Venerable Sivali was very fortunate to get the leadership of 500monks. One day when the Arahant Sivali was travelling in the forest along with his 500monks a deity of a banian tree offered Dana to them for 7days Even in the desert he used to get the food and other requisites.

One day when the Buddha was appointing the monks in different grades the Venerable Sivali was also appointed as the chief among his disciples.


  1. Thanks for sharing. Sadhu sadhu sadhu

  2. So he took three rebirths to become the next chief of the buddhist monks.

  3. Longer than 3 rebirths. From the time of Buddha Padumuttara to Vipassi to Gotama. Many rebirths.

    1. Pūrentā pārami sabbe – sabbe pacceka nāyakaṃ
    Sīvalī guṇa tejena – parittaṃ taṃ bhaṇāmahe
    Najālītī’ti jālitaṃ – ā ī ū āma isvāhā, Buddhasāmi
    Buddha satyām
    2. Padumuttaro nāma jino – sabba dhammesu cakkhumā
    Ito sata sahassamhi – kappe uppajji nāyako
    3. Sīvalī ca mahā thero – so’raho paccayādinaṃ
    Piyo devamanussānaṃ – piyo brahmāṅamuttamo
    Piyo nāga supaṇṇānaṃ - pīṇindriyaṃ namāma’haṃ
    4. Nāsaṃ sīmo ca me sīsaṃ – nānājālīti sañjaliṃ
    Sadeva manussa pūjitaṃ – sabba ḷābhā bhavantu te
    5. Sattāhaṃ dvāra mūlho’haṃ – mahādukkha samappito
    Mātā me chanda dānena – evamāsi sudukkhitā
    6. Kesesu chijjamānesu – arahatta mapāpuniṃ
    Devā nāgā manussā ca – paccayānu’panenti maṃ
    7. Padumuttara nāmañca – vipassiṃ ca vināyakaṃ
    Saṃpūjayiṃ pamudito – paccayehi visesato
    8. Tato tesaṃ visesena – kammānaṃ vipuluttamaṃ
    Lābhaṃ labhāmi sabbattha – vane gāme jale thale
    9. Tadā devo panītehi – mamatthāya mahāmati
    Paccayehi mahāvīro – sasaṅgho loka nāyako
    10. Upaṭṭhito mayā Buddho – gantvā Revata maddassa
    Tato jetavanaṃ gantvā – etadagge ṭhapesi maṃ
    11. Revataṃ dassanatthāya – yadā yāti vināyako
    Tiṃsa bhikkhu sahassehi – saha lokagga nāyako
    12. Lābbīnaṃ Sīvalī aggo – mama sissesu bhikkhavo
    Sabba loka hito satthā– kittayi parisāsu maṃ
    13. Kilesā jhāpitā mayhaṃ - bhavā sabbe samūhatā
    Nāgova bandhanaṃ chetvā – viharāmi anāsavo
    14. Svāgataṃ vata me āsi – Buddha seṭṭhassa santikaṃ
    Tisso vijjā anuppattā – kataṃ Buddhassa sāsanaṃ
    15. Paṭisambhidā catasso co – vimokkhāpi ca aṭṭha’mo
    Chaḷabhiññā sacchikatā – kataṃ Buddhassa sāsanaṃ
    16. Buddha putto mahāthero – Sīvalī jinasāvako
    Uggatejo mahāviro – tejasā jinasāsane
    17. Rakkhanto sīla tejena – dhanavante yasassino
    Evaṃ tejānubhāvena – sadā rakkhantu Sīvalī
    18. Kappaṭṭhāyīti Buddhassa – Bodhimūle nisīdayi
    Mārasenappamaddanto – sadārakkhantu Sīvalī
    19. Dasapāramitappato – pabbajī jinasāsane
    Gotama sakya puttosi – therena mama Sīvalī
    20. Mahāsāvakā asītiṃsu – Puṇṇatthero yasassino
    Bhavabhoge aggalābhīsu – uttamo tena Sīvalī
    21. Evaṃ acintiyā Buddhā – Buddhadhammā acintiyā
    Acintiyesu pasannānaṃ – vipāko hoti acintiyo
    22. Tesaṃ saccena sīlena – khanti metta balena ca
    Tepi tvaṃ* anurakkhantu - sabba dukkha vināsanaṃ
    23. Tesaṃ saccena sīlena – khanti metta balena ca
    Tepi tvaṃ* anurakkhantu – sabba bhaya vināsanaṃ
    24. Tesam saccena sīlana – khanti metta balena ca
    Tepi tvaṃ* anurakkhantu – sabbe roga vināsanaṃ

    1. All Buddhas and Silent Buddhas have perfected the
    perfections. We chant the Protective Chant extolling the
    virtues of Sīvalī, the great arahant.
    ‘Najālītī’ti jālitaṃ – ā ī ū āma isvāhā’ is a mantra (a charm)
    which has to be used in its original form.
    2. A hundred thousand years ago, Buddha Padumuttara, who
    understood the reality of all phenomena, appeared.
    3. Sīvalī, the great arahant, became eminently suitable to
    receive all offerings and adorations. He was beloved of men
    and gods. He was a pleasant, great saint. He was beloved
    of the nagas and the great winged beings. His organs were
    subdued. We worship him who received the offerings of gods
    and men.
    4. My mind was not at rest. It burnt with various fires. May all
    profits and benefits accrue to you.
    5. My mother suffered seven days in labour pain, bearing pain
    and tears because of her love for me.
    6. I attained Sainthood while my head was being shaven
    to ordain as a monk. Gods, Nagas and humans offer me
    7. I offered special gifts to the Buddha Padumuttara and Vipassi
    with great delight.
    8. As a result of that special act of merit, I receive many
    requisites, whether I am in the forest, in the village, in water
    or on land.
    9. At that time I attended upon the Buddha, the Leader of the
    world, who was pleasantly disposed towards me. He had a
    great retinue of monks.
    10. The Enlightened One took me to see Revata at Jetavana and
    placed me above others.
    11. On the day the Buddha approached Revata with a retinue of
    thirty thousand monks, the Buddha who calms the mind of
    the whole world, stated this:
    12. “O monks! Of my disciples, Sīvalī is the greatest from the
    point of view of receiving gifts and requisites.” The Buddha
    extolled me this way, in the presence of the audience.
    13. All my defilements were extinguished. The cycle of existence
    become totally exhausted. I live bereft of defilements, like an
    elephant who has shattered his shackles.
    14. My visit to the Buddha was fruitful. I acquired the three
    forms of knowledge. I received the highest gains in the
    Dispensation of the Buddha.
    15. I achieved the four forms of high awareness, the eight forms
    of liberation, and the six forms of advanced knowledge.
    16. Great Arahant Sīvalī is a disciple of the Buddha. He is the
    son of the Buddha. He is possessed of great power. He is a
    great hero.
    17. May Arahant Sīvalī who is affluent and glorious, protect us
    always, through the power of his moral strength.
    18. The way the Buddha, seated at the foot of the Bodhi Tree,
    vanquished death (Mara) will remain for an aeon. May
    Arahant Sivali protect us.
    19. My Great Arahant who entered the Buddha’s Dispensation,
    having fulfilled the ten perfections, is the son of Sakya
    20. There were eighty great disciples. Of the widest reputed Ven.
    Punna was the greatest. Of those who received requisites,
    Ven. Sīvalī was the greatest.
    21. The Buddha possesses virtues one cannot even think about.
    The greatest of the Buddha’s Dispensation is beyond thought.
    Those who are happy and with what one cannot think about,
    will receive results beyond thought.
    22. May all suffering be eradicated and may you be protected
    by the virtue of this truth, by the power of morality, patience
    and loving kindness.
    23. May all fears be eradicated and may you be protected by the
    virtue of this truth, by the power of morality, patience and
    loving kindness.
    24. May all illnesses be eradicated and may you be protected by
    the virtue of this truth, by the power of morality, patience
    and loving kindness.

  6. I follow Buddha, I follow Sivali Bodhi Mahathero, who had special Merits to fulfilled all the requisites of BhikkhuSangha ,whose Nayak was Sivali Bodhi.
    Suvali Bodhi creats trust and confidence among the Sangha and Followers. Sivali is free from all the worldly desires.He Renounced his luxurious life and became Bhikkhu.He became Arihant at the time shaving hairs, again heir will grow and again to shave ,again to take Birth and to death, Sarriputta gave him Dhamma Diksha.
